The children of war: depiction of the wrecked life of Ukrainian minors through the lens of documentary journalism
During the Second Crimea Global Conference, the Human Rights Centre ZMINA will hold a side event which will screen the documentary film “The Children of War” by Mexican journalist Hannia Novell as well as provide expert discussion on the topic “The children of war: depiction of the wrecked life of Ukrainian minors through the lens of documentary journalism”. The side event will take place on November 22 from 11:10 – 12:40 in Kyiv.

War is the darkest aspect of humanity, and those most affected by this war are the children who have to grow up during Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
In total, 589 children have been killed as a result of the Russian aggression, over 1.6 thousand children have been injured, 997 thousand are internally displaced within Ukraine, 1.4 million have fled abroad, over 21 thousand have been forcibly displaced to the territory of Russia and Belarus, 1.5 million stay in the occupied territories of Ukraine, and yet only around 800 children have been returned to their homeland.
This side-event within the Crimea Global Conference will discuss the topic of lost childhood with the people who portray truth through a camera lens – documentary producers, journalists and photographers.
The participants of the event will be able to watch the screening of the documentary “The Children of War” (original – “Los Niños de la Guerra”) by the Mexican journalist Hannia Novell and listen to the panel discussion with the film’s author herself, as well as a representative of The Kyiv Independent who worked on an investigation documentary into Russia’s abduction of Ukrainian children “Uprooted“. Panelists will discuss the importance of reaching out to international society through visual art.
- Hannia Novell, Mexican journalist and documentary producer
- Olesia Bida, reporter with the War Crimes Investigations Unit of The Kyiv Independent
- Alyona Savchuk, reporter who documented life in occupied Crimea
Moderator: Tetiana Zhukova, international advocacy manager, Human Rights Centre ZMINA
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