Human rights activists called for the release of Crimean political prisoners at meetings with Turkish high-ranking officials | ZMINA Human Rights Centre

Human rights activists called for the release of Crimean political prisoners at meetings with Turkish high-ranking officials

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The Human Rights Centre ZMINA, in cooperation with the Office of the Ombudsman of Ukraine, the Embassy of Ukraine in Türkiye, and the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, met with the chief adviser to the President of Türkiye, the Ombudsman of Türkiye, Turkish MPs, local activists of Crimean Tatar origin, and the media. This was made possible with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

Photo: Meeting with the Ombudsman of Türkiye Sadettin Kalkan

The meetings were attended by ZMINA Project Manager Viktoria Nesterenko and ZMINA International Advocacy Manager Tetiana Zhukova, Ambassador of Ukraine to Türkiye Vasyl Bondar, Counselor of the Embassy of Ukraine in Türkiye Denis Zolotaryov, representative of the Commissioner for the Rights of Residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol Elvin Kadyrov, as well as First Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people and released political prisoner Nariman Dzhelyal.

The participants of the advocacy trip discussed the current situation in occupied Crimea, the life of the Crimean Tatars under Russian occupation and the scale of persecution of the inhabitants of the peninsula due to their views, religion and ethnicity. The main topics of the meetings were further cooperation with Türkiye regarding the release of political prisoners and issues related to the violation of their rights in prison conditions.

Photo: Meeting with Yalçın Topçu, chief adviser to the President of Türkiye

They emphasized that unjustly detained sick and elderly political prisoners are in harsh conditions in Russian prisons, subjected to cruel treatment, and their necessary medical needs are not met. In addition, Muslims are forbidden to have the Quran, and pork is added to food.

The Ukrainians handed over the lists of Crimean political prisoners who should be released immediately to the offices of the President and Ombudsman of Türkiye, as well as to the Turkish parliamentarians.

Photo: Meeting with Turkish deputies

Turkish Ombudsman Sadettin Kalkan replied “Information about the problems of the Crimean Tatars who were detained in Crimea for political reasons, lack of access to medical services and poor conditions of detention will be passed on to the Chief Ombudsman of Türkiye, Şeref Malkoç. The Ombudsman’s office supports their release and ensuring that their rights are not violated in the process.

Deputies of the Turkish Parliament, members of the Turkish-Ukrainian Parliamentary Friendship Group Tuğrul Türkeş, Lütfü Türkkan, Utku Çakırözer and Ali Öztunç also condemned the repression of the Russian Federation against the Crimean Tatars.

“Türkiye, which supports the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, also advocates on all platforms that the return of the occupied territories, including Crimea, is a requirement of international law,” said Yalçın Topçu, Chief Adviser to the President of Türkiye.

Photo: Exhibition “I will always wait for you, my child!” in Türkiye

In addition, ZMINA together with partners held a series of exhibitions “I will always wait for you, my child!” in several cities in Türkiye.

The project is implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as part of the Transition Promotion Program. The views expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the official position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.