Human rights activists suggest that authorities should change population evacuation algorithm in wartime
The Coalition of organizations that takes care of the protection of the rights of victims of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine prepared proposals to change the mechanism of the evacuation of the civilian population in wartime. These proposals were already submitted to the Ministry of Reintegration.

As human rights defenders note, although the evacuation has been announced for a long time and the hostilities continue, the general evacuation of the civilian population is taking place slowly. This happened, in particular, due to insufficient and ineffective communication with the population, ineffective coordination between the government agencies, local self-government bodies, international and national non-governmental organizations.
That’s why human rights activists drafted recommendations for the authorities based on best practices and experiences gained by civil society organizations during the rescue of civilians from dangerous areas. Human rights organizations recommend:
- Developing uniform rules for the evacuation of the population
- Creating a network of local headquarters
- Approving stages and evacuation plans for headquarters
- Updating evacuation information
- Providing evacuees with affordable housing
- Implementing a communication strategy at the level of evacuation and host headquarters
- Dealing with the adaptation of evacuees
Read more about the recommendations here.
The Coalition of organizations that takes care of the protection of the rights of victims of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine includes Human Rights Centre ZMINA, Charity Foundation “The Right to Protection”, NGO “CrimeaSOS”, NGO “Civil holding “GROUP OF INFLUENCE”, NGO “Crimean Human Rights Group”, NGO “Donbas-SOS”, Charity Foundation “East-SOS”, Charity Foundation “Stabilization Support Services”.