Rules in effect during war: workshop on international humanitarian law for journalists held in Kyiv
On May 12-13, 2023, the workshop “International Humanitarian Law for Journalists” organized by Human Rights Centre ZMINA with the support of Freedom House Ukraine was held in Kyiv.

It was attended by journalists and editors of regional and national media outlets, bloggers, freelancers from all over Ukraine, as well as professors of journalism faculties.
Over two days, participants discussed the risks and challenges of covering international humanitarian law (IHL) topic in the context of the full-scale war in Ukraine, key IHL terminology, and the main mistakes journalists make when covering this topic.
A separate block of the workshop was dedicated to the work of the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, the differences in their activities, as well as the National Information Bureau of Ukraine. In addition, the journalists got acquainted with distinctive emblems and distinguishing marks established by international humanitarian law, their functions and tasks.

During the workshop, the responsibility for violations of the “laws and customs of war”, international courts and tribunals and criminal responsibility for international crimes and the prospects of prosecution, etc. were discussed. In particular, the journalists figured out the work of various judicial institutions: the UN International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, and the European Court of Human Rights
Trainers and experts of the event: Tymur Korotkyi, Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of International Law, adviser to the president of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society for international humanitarian law, candidate of legal sciences; Andriy Pozniakevych, coordinator for operational support and response of the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society; Yuriy Usmanov, candidate of legal sciences, director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of the Kyiv Institute of International Relations; Oleksandr Vlasenko, spokesman for the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine; Vira Nikolayenko, legal adviser to the delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine; Vyacheslav Mayevskyi, national coordinator for international humanitarian law of the National Committee of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society; Dmytro Kyrychenko, chief specialist in international humanitarian law of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society; Viktoria Petruk, deputy director of the National Information Bureau; Inna Zavorotko, military lawyer, PhD in international law; Zakhar Tropin, associate professor of the International Law Department of the Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, candidate of legal sciences.

“Since the beginning of the occupation of Crimea, Ukraine has been in a state of international armed conflict for nine years which has deepened even more after the full-scale attack of Russia. The realities of war are what journalists face in their work, unfortunately, almost daily even if they do not work directly at the front,” said Tetiana Pechonchyk, the workshop organizer, Head of Board of the Human Rights Centre ZMINA.
According to her, knowledge of the basics of IHL is important not only for the military but also for mass media representatives. “Humanistic values are something we should not lose even during such a bloody war. And the role of the media here is key,” she added.