Tortures of Ukrainian POWs and illegally detained civilians in Russian captivity: side event on what the CoE can do to stop it
Ukrainian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Prosecutor General’s Office, Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and Human Rights Centre ZMINA are holding a side event at the Autumn Session of the PACE. It will take place on the 2nd of October at 13:00 in the Palace of Europe.

The purpose of the side event is to draw the attention of a wider audience to the issue of systemic torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in places of detention of Ukrainian POW and civilians illegally detained by the Russian Federation.
Our main objective is to raise awareness of the international community, present the measures that can be taken and call on to stop and prevent torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of Ukrainian POW and illegally detained civilians in Russian captivity, as well as to hold perpetrators accountable.
- Andrii Kostin, Prosecutor General of Ukraine
- Elīna Šteinerte, OSCE Moscow Mechanism expert and member of the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (SPT) — online participation
- Tetiana Pechonchyk, Head of the Board of the Human Rights Centre ZMINA
- Nariman Dzhelyal, Deputy Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, released from Russian captivity
- Mykyta Shastun, Ukrainian defender who survived the Olenivka prison massacre and was released from Russian captivity during the exchange of POWs
Moderator: Olena Khomenko, Vice-President of PACE & Member of Ukrainian delegation to PACE