Oppression without borders: Serbian regime detains and expels activists
With great concern, we, the undersigned 374 citizens’ association from 27 countries across the European continent, have received alarming news about the overnight detention and unjust deportation of nationals from Croatia (4 people), Slovenia (1 person), Romania (1 person), Austria (1 person), Albania (2 people), and North Macedonia (1 person), who were in Belgrade on a study visit to Erste Stiftung’s NGO Academy program, which educates young professionals working in NGOs.
These civic activists and NGO professionals were held overnight and expelled from the country during the night of January 22, 2025, with a vague explanation that they endangered the safety and security of Serbia under the Article 9 of the Serbian Law on Foreigners, without any proof or investigation to support these accusations. All the expelled individuals received a one-year ban on entering Serbia. They were stalked in front of the hotel and taken to the police station by an unmarked police car, exposed to hostile interrogation through the night and forced to sign a barely legible document in Cyrillic pronouncing them the “national security threat”.
Over the past month, two similar expulsions of Croatian nationals have taken place, and earlier this year similar bans were made against Bosnian activists and writers who published statements in support of protests in Serbia. Since this summer, the repression against Serbian civil society and grassroots activists and students protesting peacefully has intensified through the use of surveillance documented by Amnesty International, detentions and unpunished violence by para-state groups. This time, the regime focused on an international group of civic activists sponsored by a reputable Austria-based foundation promoting regional cooperation and learning.
This incident reflects a troubling pattern of a rising hostility of the Serbian Government against Serbian citizens, foreign civic activists and journalists nationals. Evidently, these oppressive actions are undertaken in the context of massive student protests across Serbia against corruption, mismanagement of public services and abuse of power, which the regime views as a true threat. This most recent incident raises serious concerns about the respect for human rights and freedoms in Serbia, especially about the safety and security of people and organizations engaged in human rights activism domestically and region-wide.
Moreover and equally concerning, the actions taken by the authorities appear to be part of a broader strategy to incite animosity against neighbouring countries and EU as a whole. The Vučić regime is obviously looking for an “external enemy” to divert attention and avoid responsibility for the problems with public safety and access to public services which have generated widespread and rising domestic criticism led by students across Serbia.
We strongly urge the Serbian authorities to provide a transparent explanation for these unreasonable and illegitimate actions against civic activists from EU member and candidate countries, and to ensure that such unjust treatment does not occur again. It is crucial that the rights of all individual citizens, especially those working towards positive societal change, are upheld and protected.
We call on the EU institutions and EU member states to take these human rights violations undertaken by the Serbian Government seriously and use political and institutional means to hold the Serbian Government accountable for its actions against its own and the citizens of the neighbouring countries, who are facing violations of civic rights, as widely evidenced by international human rights organisations. As a candidate country, the Government of the Republic of Serbia is expected to put the European values enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in practice. Instead of hostility, paranoia and international tensions, a government that claims democratic legitimacy is supposed to foster civic dialogue, cooperation and mutual respect – both within Serbia and across the Western Balkan region.
We stand in solidarity with all the victims of the Vučić regime – both domestic and foreign – and call for a Europe-wide action to protect civic space, peace and security in Serbia. Let us join our voices for free and safe Serbia!
Signed by:
Civil Liberties Union for Europe e.V.
SOLIDARNA Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity
Zagreb Pride
Centre for Peace Studies/Centar za mirovne studije
KOLEKTOR – Centar za vizualne umjetnosti
Centre for peace, nonviolence and human rights-Osijek
CROSOL – Platforma za međunarodnu građansku solidarnost Hrvatske
Ekopolis Foundation
Centre for Civil Initiatives Poreč / Centar za građanske inicijative Poreč
Jan Langos Foundation
Carpathian Foundation, Slovakia
Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the Past/Centar za suočavanje s prošlošću
League for Mental Health in Slovakia
Zaklada Slagalica/Community foundation Slagalica
Ženska soba
Center za informiranje, sodelovanje in razvoj nevladnih organizacij
Centre for information service, co-operation and development of NGOs”
Kurziv – Platforma za pitanja kulture, medija i društva / Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society
Civic Initiatives
ACT Grupa
Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia
Europska civilna inicijativa Zagreb
Udruženje za razvoj kulture “URK”
Domine Split
Iniciatíva Inakosť
Povod Institute, Slovenia
SOS Rijeka – centar za nenasilje i ljudska prava/ SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights
Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava / Youth Initiative for Human Rights Hrvatska
Latvia’s Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health
Civil Liberties Union For Europe
Udruga za skrb autističnih osoba
Forum za slobodu odgoja (Forum for Freedom in Education)
Croatian Debate Society (Hrvatsko debatno društvo)
S-O-S Slovakia
Willi Eichler Akademie e.V.
Udruga za zaštitu i promicanje ljudskih prava Sofija
Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
Friends of the Earth – SPZ, Slovakia
Democracy International
kolekTIRV | Za prava trans, interspolnih i rodno varijantnih osoba
Center for Democracy Foundation (CDF)
Kosovar Civil Society Foundation (KCSF)
Status M
Open Society Institute – Sofia
Slavko Curuvija Foundation
Post Bellum SK
Pontis Foundation
Via Iuris
Jednostavno receno (Simply Put)
PLAVO Theatre – theatre laboratory (PLAVO pozorište – pozorišna laboratorija)
Lumbardhi Foundation
Klíma ťa potrebuje (Slovakia)
Koalicija za rad s psihotraumom i mir Vukovar
Bridge 47
Zelena akcija
Belgrade Raw
Theatre Objective Drama Project-POD Theatre
Temporary Slovene Dance Archives (NDA SLO)
Bulgarian Fund for Women
Estonian Human Rights Centre
KONTEJNER I bureau of contemporary art praxis
Kultura svima svugdje
Exodos Ljubljana
Centar za zdravo odrastanje
Center for Public Innovation (Romania)
Civil Society Development Foundation (FDSC)
Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol)
Lokomotiva- Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture
BeFem, feminist cultural centre
Steering committee of Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia
Zavod PIP – Pravni in informacijski center Maribor
Open society foundation Bratislava
nützlich + schön Kulturbüro
Rehabilitacijski centar za stres i traumu
Udruga za promicanje mentalnog zdravlja Feniks Split
Zveza društev Mladinski center Postojna
Politike nenasilja ustanova za mirovno obrazovanje i djelovanje
Udruga Breza
Društvo prijateljev mladine občin Postojna in Pivka
Žene za mir Leskovac
ADRA Hrvatska
OZ Nádej pre Sad Janka kráľa
BAZAART, Beograd
Mreža za demokratski dijalog, Beograd
Destilator klub
Mirovni inštitut, Ljubljana
PIC – Pravni center za varstvo človekvoih pravic in okolja
Udruga za ženska ljudska prava i razvoj demokracije Adela Osijek
Access Info Europe
Center for population policies and sustainable development – CPPSD
ASTRA Network
Balkan Civil Society Development Network
Resource Center for Public Participation
Udruga Dugine obitelji /Rainbow Families Croatia
Roditelji u akciji
Mreža za demokratski dijalog, Beograd
Feministički kolektiv fAKTIV
Centar za civilne inicijative
Drum ‘n’ bijes kolektiv
CIVIL – Center for Freedom
Autonomous women’s center
Asociatia SOMARO – Magazinul Social
Human Rights Centre ZMINA
Foundation BFPE for a Responsible Society
Ping pong klub Rakek
Centar za visoke ekonomske studije/Center for Advanced Economic Studies
European Movement Italy
SEENPM (South East European Network for Professionalization of Media)
Društvo Asociacija
Zavod Projekt Atol
Udruga za promicanje urbane kulture – A.R.L.A.
Format C
Studentska udruga Pula – udruga SUP
Inicijativa Studentice za Palestinu
Art radionica Lazareti
Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM
Akademija za politički razvoj / Academy for Political Development
Feministički Tamburaški Front
Generator Multidisciplinarnih Koprodukcija
Udruga ZUM
Udruga Kultura nova
Danes je nov dan
Prostor Plus
Centar modernih veština
Women’s Issues Innformatios centre
Akademija ženskog liderstva
Coalition MARGINS Skopje
Association for Educational Development Ekvalis
Udruga za promicanje kultura Kulturtreger
Kulturna udruga Jutro
Civic Radauti Association
Beogradski centar za bezbednosnu politiku/ Belgrade Centre for Security Policy
Zavod Tri
Ustanova Fundacija BiT Planota
Croatian Youth Network
Multimedijalni institut MaMa
Udruga Oaza
Dugina Iskra
Jagodina protiv nasilja
Women’s Organization of Strumica
Udruga za razvoj civilnog društva Bonsai
Zadruga Zadrugator
Bacači sjenki
Inicijativa kulturalnih studija
Evropski pokret u Srbiji
Mreža za demokratski dijalog, Beograd
XY Spektrum
Bulgarian Center for Not-For-Profit Law
Mirovni studij
Pravo Ljudski Film Festival
Stella Network
Transparency International Slovenia
Autonomni kulturni centar Attack
HERA -Health Education and Reaserch Association
Cita Daugavpils (Another Daugavpils)
Green Liberty
Citizen Association for support of persons with disabilities SOLEM – Skopje
The Romanian National Council for Refugees (CNRR)
Irídia – Center for the defense of Human Rights
Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Banja Luka
S.O.S. – savjetovanje, osnaživanje, suradnja
Građanska organizacija za kulturu ‘GOKUL’
Udruženje žena Peščanik, Kruševac
Institute for European Affairs, Serbia
Centar za promociju civilnog društva
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Skopje
Civil Rights Defenders
Trag Fondacija
Permakultura Dalmacija
Baza za radničku inicijativu i demokratizaciju
Migrant Integration Center Brasov, Romania (ARPCPS)
Kosovar Stability Initiative
Beograd Prajd
Klub za osnaživanje mladih 018 (KOM 018)
Centar za podršku ženama, Kikinda – Center for Support of Women
Građanska alijansa (Civic Alliance)
Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS)
Instituti i Kosoves per Drejtesi – Kosovo Law Institute
Udruga PIN za zdravlje
Democracy Plus
ORCA – Organization for Improving Quality in Education
Group for Legal and Political Studies – GLPS
Institute for Development Policy – INDEP
Asocijacija “Mreža za evropski ženski lobi”
GAP Institute
Coordinadora Obrim Fronteres
Hungarian Helsinki Committee
ICAR Foundation
Fondacija Jelena Santic
SeConS grupa za razvojnu inicijativu
Saveza udruga Klubtura
Ocd Delfin
Miliția Spirituala
Klimatická koalícia
Centre for Contemporary Politics
Association of Artists Cultural Centre MEDIA ARTES
SPS BiH- Fondacija Alumnista Vijeca Evrope
SPS BIH – Fondacija Alumnista Vijeca Evrope
Kvir inicijativa AUT
Amnesty International Bulgaria
Koalicija udruga u zdravstvu KUZ
Centar za razvoj nevladinih organizacija CRNVO
Iniciativa Glas ljudstva
Zavod Samostojen si
NVO Most kulture (NGO Bridge of culture) Podgorica
Foundation Catalyst
Liga za prevenciju ovisnosti
Partners Albania for Change and Development
CEE Digital Democracy Watch
Udruga Ludruga
AUSZM Zenska Akcija-Radovish
Aktivna zona
Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava – Crna Gora
NVO Forum MNE – Forum mladi i neformalna edukacija
EL*C – EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community
European Civic Forum
Udruga za interdisciplinarna i interkulturalna istraživanja
Initiative for Progress (INPO), Kosovo
Krovna organizacija mladih Srbije
Što, kako i za koga/WHW
Expert Forum
Zavod Radio Študent
Inicijativa mladih za ljudska prava
ARCI – Italy
CONCORDIA Social Projects
Udruga za razvoj civilnog društva SMART
European Policy Institute of Kosovo (EPIK)
Operation City
Ljubitelji prirode
Amnesty International Slovenije
Terra Hub Croatia
Marche Teatro
Baltic Human Rights Society
Symbiosis – School of Political Studies in Greece
National Coalition for Decentralization
A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights
Human Rights House Zagreb
Lithuanian women’s Lobby
B.a.B.e. Budi aktivna. Budi emancipiran.
Ökotárs-Hungarian Environmental Partnership Foundation
Kosova Women’s Network (KWN)
Mreža mladih Hrvatska (Croatian Youth Netowkr)
Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS)
Community Impact Accelerator – Zid, ADP-Zid
Democracy for Development (D4D)
Reactor – Research in Action
Amnesty International Hungary
Mreža antifašistkinja Zagreb
APADOR-CH (Romania)
Udruga žena Vukovar
Zeleni Filozofski
KLFM – Radio u zajednici
Academy of Political Studies
Organizacija za političku ekologiju Polekol
Partneri za demokratske promene Srbija
Udruga Filmaktiv
Rosendal International Theatre
Ogólnopolski Strajk Kobiet
Open Estonia Foundation
Fakiri sa juga
Seoski kulturni centar Markovac
Transparency International EU
Transparency International Serbia
Youth Cultural Center – Bitola
Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto
Kooperativa – Regional Platform for Culture
Užice Child Rights Center
Centre for Human Rights and Development
Bulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza”
LOGS Association – Social Initiative Group
Union Women Center
Center Science and Innovation for Development (SCiDEV)