Deportation of residents of Kherson region: organized and independent departure under coercion

The purpose of this report is to trace the means of pressure and coercion used by the Russian side to forcibly transfer and deport protected persons from the territory where they are legally present, based on information about the events that have taken place in the territory of the temporarily occupied Kherson region.

The report also examines means of encouraging population displacement, which cannot be considered coercion but influence the choice of individuals in the context of the use of other means of coercion.

The analytical report covers the period from the beginning of the occupation of Kherson region by the Russian side (February 24, 2022) to February 24, 2023. This analytical report is based on information collected both from open sources and documented testimony of persons who suffered or witnessed the crime of deportation and forcible transfer, as well as on the analysis of the regulatory and legal framework and statements by the government agencies of RF on accommodation and implementation of rights of Ukrainian citizens deported to the territory of RF.

The report is available in English and Ukrainian.