Solidarity School by Freedom House: ZMINA shared its experience of supporting the LGBTIQ+ community
On 15-17 January 2025, the Solidarity School for LGBTQI+ activists and allies, organised by Freedom House Ukraine, took place in Kyiv. The event programme was aimed at advocating for the rights of the LGBTQI+ community, deepening the understanding of the political context and social landscape, and developing skills for effective interaction with the authorities, NGOs and international partners.

Iryna Yuzyk, Project Manager of the Human Rights Centre ZMINA, made a presentation on the activities of the non-governmental sector in the field of LGBTQI+ rights protection. She focused on the importance of advocating for equality and non-discrimination, the role of allies, and the need to combat hate speech in the media.
“Our allies are progressive media, feminist organisations, left-wing activists, including environmental organisations, anarchists, organisations of people with disabilities, people living with HIV/AIDS, Roma and Jewish organisations. It is important to realise that the LGBTQI+ community is not alone in its fight for human rights, especially in promoting draft law 5488 on toughening penalties for hate crimes and civil partnerships,” said Iryna Yuzyk.

For three days, participants worked on topics important to the community, including:
- The political context of the LGBTQI+ movement in Ukraine.
- Analysis of the social landscape and needs of the LGBTQI+ community.
- Identification of key threats, problems and needs.
- Interaction with government institutions and international stakeholders.
- Advocacy for the rights of the LGBTQI+ community at the national and local levels.
The trainer was Sviatoslav Sheremet, Policy and Legislation Coordinator of the National LGBTI Consortium. Among the speakers were Oksana Suburai, Programme Manager of Freedom House, Andrii Kravchuk, Representative of the LGBT Human Rights Centre Nash Svit, and Oleh Maksymiak, Assistant Consultant to the MP of Ukraine / NGO Fulcrum UA.
“The human rights movement for LGBTQI+ people is rapidly attracting new, ambitious activists. The new generation is not burdened with the experience of the lacklustre advocacy of the noughties and early tens. The new generation is determined to act quickly, decisively, and with full commitment. Nowadays, young people have no fear of officials, no reverence for authority, as in the old days. Therefore, the communication barrier between civil society and the government has been completely removed. This opens up new opportunities for achieving full civil equality for LGBTQI+ people,” says Sviatoslav Sheremet.

The participants of the school roleplayed as officials and leaders of friendly and unfriendly social movements and organisations to test their strength in defending or opposing equality for the LGBTQI+ community amid intense debate.
The training was attended by representatives of several organisations, including: the Human Rights Centre ZMINA, NGO Egalite Intersex Ukraine, NGO ALLIANCE.GLOBAL, NGO 12.12, NGO Cohort, NGO Gender Stream, NGO The Center for Women’s Voice, NGO Insight, NGO Projector, NGO Razom, and Kaniv Youth Centre YoY, as well as a lawyer, Head of the QDBC of the Zhytomyr region’s, Coordinator and Member of the association of women lawyers Jurfem, and individual activists.