Viktoria Sholokh | ZMINA Human Rights Centre
Viktoria Sholokh

Viktoria Sholokh

specialist in documenting cases of torture

In 2022, received a bachelor’s degree in international law at the Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University. Currently studying for a master’s degree in international law at the National Aviation University. Defended the bachelor’s thesis entitled “Islamic concept of human rights and international legal standards: concepts and relations”.

During undergraduate studies, participated in various events and competitions on international and national law. Also worked as a legal assistant at a law firm, took internships at the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation, and Customs Policy.

After receiving her bachelor’s degree, realized that her life mission is to protect human rights. Joined ZMINA as a volunteer for this reason.

Hobbies: cooking, reading.